
일상 생활속 여인들의 모습

담하(淡霞) 2019. 7. 17. 20:18

일상 생활속 여인들의 모습 The Seamstress Madchen mit Granatapfeln [Girl with Pomegranates] A Pensive Moment Die Wassertr?erin [The Watercarrier] Die Lauscherin [The Eavesdropper] Musette Which Came First? Lisa The Flirtation Balcony Catch of the Day Gathering Shells Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Venetian Lady The Fruit Seller An Affectionate Glance A Viennese Beauty Unknown Daydreaming Le Travail [Work] The Rose The Grape Picker The Love Letter on The Balcony Good News A Portrait Of A Young Lady An Elegant Lady An Interesting Story The Farewell The New Suitor God's Creatures