
Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky (C)

담하(淡霞) 2023. 6. 13. 17:27
Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky (콘스탄틴 예고로비치 마코프스키) Influential Russian painter Born, July 2, 1839 Moscow, Russia Died, September 17, 1915, Saint Petersburg, Russia Periods - Realism, Romanticism, Academic art 1. The Stories of His Grandfather 2. Cups 3. Christmas Fortune Telling 4. The Toilet of Venus 5. Summer Afternoon 6. A Breton 7. Minin Square in Nizhny Novgorod, Urging People to Donate 8. A Boyaryshnya By the Window 9. A Boyaryshnya with a Tray 10. A Girl Dressed As Flora 11. A Turkish Woman 12. After the Bazaar 13. Pllegorical Scene Depicting a Picture of the Palace of the Von Dervis 14. Pastel on paper 15. Charka of Honey 16. Children Running From a Storm 17. Death of Ivan Susanin 러시아 국가 영웅이자 17세기 초 혼란의 시대 순교자. 대중적인 전설에 따르면 차르 미하일을 죽이려는 폴란드 군대는 수잔인을 가이드로 고용했다. Susanin은 그들에게 러시아 숲을 통과하는 비밀 경로를 따르도록 설득했으며 그들과 Susanin은 다시는 소식을 듣지 못했다. 18. Female Head 19. Female Portrait 20. Festivities During Carnival at the Admiralty Square in St. Petersburg 21. Gypsy 22. Hawthorn 23. In the Garden 24. In the Park 25. Makowski Family Portrait 26. Maria Matutina 27. Ophelia 28. Ophelia 29. Ophelia 30. Peasant Children 31. Portrait in a Red Beret 32. Portrait of a Brunette Beauty 33. Portrait of a Girl in Russian Costume 34. Portrait of a Hawthorn 35. Portrait of Maria Petipa 36. Portrait of V.V. Bakhrushina, née Nosovoy 37. Portrait of Vladimir Yegorovich Makovsky in Childhood 38. Rural Landscape 39. Street in Cairo 40. Talk on the Farm 41. The Boyar's Daughter 42. Widow 43. The Landowner 44. Portrait of the Artist's Son in His Workshop 45. The Lord with the Cup 46. Under the Green Branches 47. Blind-man 48. Happy Arcadia 49. Blind Man's Buff 50. Carpet Shop in Cairo HK